Help us Craft a better world! Use you skills at needlework, painting or other crafts to beautifully comfort others, or to raise money for other projects.
Chicks with Sticks – Knitting at Troy United Methodist Church
Chicks with Sticks is a group of women who meet once a week at Troy United Methodist Church. Our group is not limited to TUMC members. Anyone is welcome to join us. We have grown to be a faithful group of women who gather for fellowship and support, sharing new ideas and patterns, and knit and/or crochet a variety of items for charity. If you don't know how to knit or crochet but would like to learn, we can teach you. We have the supplies needed to get started.
We also accept donations of yarn for their projects.
When: 2nd, 3rd & 4th Thursdays DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR, 5 - 6:30pm
Where: 407 Edwardsville Road, Troy, IL 62294
Want to help? Contact...
(church) 618-667-6241
Christian Crafters
We meet every Monday at First Christian Church on Main Street in Edwardsville to work on projects for others, enjoy each others company, and learn. We make a variety of items such as baby hats, blankets, prayer shawls, pillowcase dresses, to benefit different individuals and charitable organizations.
When: Monday 11am - 3pm (bring lunch)
Where: First Christian Church, 310 South Main St. Edwardsville, IL 62025
Want to help? Contact...
(618) 656-7498 (church)
Restore Decor – Painting
Restore Decor is a nonprofit resale shop, restoring and repainting donated furniture and selling it to the public to raise money for many worthy causes in our area.
We need volunteers to paint, sew, re-invent / re-purpose, decorate, and move furniture. No prior skill is necessary, only a willing heart and giving spirit.
We have walk-in paint times on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, or we can schedule other times for large groups. Watch our facebook page for schedule changes. Other projects, such as upholstery & sewing, can be done on a flexible schedule.
When: Mondays 6:30-8:30PM, Tuesdays 10AM-noon and 6:30-8:30 PM, Thursday noon-2PM and 6:30-8:30 PM
Where: "warehouse" location, 200 Second Avenue, Edwardsville, IL
Want to help? Contact...
Sew Much Joy
We meet the twice a month to sew items that are needed by various ministries in our area, especially the Midwest Missions Distribution Center. We accept donated fabric and sewing supplies. We need helpers regardless of sewing skills; we have tasks such as sorting, cutting and ironing, that just require willing hands and hearts!
When: First and Third Tuesdays, 10:00AM-3:00PM
Where: members' homes
Want to help? Contact...
(church number) 618-667-6241